Home / News / Mental Health Awareness Week 2021
Article published on: Thursday, 06 May 2021

This Mental Health Awareness Week we’re asking everyone to join in and help support mental health.

Together, we’ve achieved so much. We’ve been there for those who need help and we’ve been there for each other too. We’ve given our time, our hearts and our souls and we’ve changed the conversation around mental health.

But during this pandemic, so many of us have experienced a mental health problem, or seen a loved one struggle, for the first time in our lives. Some of us have seen our already fragile mental health plummet, while the support networks around us disappear. We’ve seen our friends, our partners, our parents, our children and ourselves struggle.

For them, for us and for you – we must take this chance to support mental health.

That’s where you come in. This Mental Health Awareness Week is your chance speak out, to spread the word and make change happen.

Here’s how: Please donate to Bucks Mind’s Spring 10K Appeal to help us to continue to deliver our vital mental health services to local people. Please click here to donate.

You can also join Mind’s social media campaign, ‘Share why you’re fighting for mental health’:

Mind on Facebook

Mind on Twitter

Mind on Instagram

Please remember to tag @mindcharity and use the hashtags #mhaw #fightforMH.

Will you join in this Mental Health Awareness Week?

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