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Poetry Group
The group focusses on reading, rather than composing and it looks at what sorts of poems should be studied, the effects that those poems have on the reader, on themes and topics such as love, human behaviour or the natural world, and tastes and preferences. The group meets on the third Tuesday evening each month, from 7.30pm to 9.00pm Sew, Knit and Natter
We are an informal and very welcoming group. If you are stuck with a project or would like to learn a new craft, pop in. There is usually someone here who has the skills. If not, we’ll find out and learn with you. The group meets every Saturday in Burnham Library, from 10.00am – 12 noon. Computer Literacy Group
Are you a computer user, not necessarily of great experience, without being a “geek”, but who would like to find out more about getting the best use out of your computer and its associated technologies? Then the Computer Literacy Group may be just for you. We are lucky as Martin Carter of Haymill Computers, a computer engineer of many years’ experience, has offered to lead a group to meet monthly in Burnham Library. We will have discussions on various technologies, some presentations on current computer and related issues and an open surgery where you can bring particular computer queries for Martin and the rest of the group to share their experiences and to try and help to resolve them.

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Telephone: 0845 230 3232
Address: Burnham Library, Windsor Lane, Burnham, SL1 7HR
Associated Categories: Community Support Education, Training, Workshops Education, Volunteering and Employment Social Isolation and Inclusion Support Services
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