Our service users attending the Older Adults’ Wellbeing Group created some amazing poetry for Mental Health Awareness Week, which was themed ‘loneliness’.
The inspiration for the first poem was ‘being home alone’ and the benefits there can be in having time for yourself in each of the rooms of your home. Service users discussed the feelings and impact of loneliness but also felt that it was important share a more positive side to being by yourself.
We’re sure you’ll agree that the poems are uplifting.

Home Alone
In the kitchen I get on with things,
Baking and eating the joy it brings,
In the lounge I read a book,
For hours and hours I look and look,
In the bedroom I lay in bed,
I use the time to clear my head,
I lay in the bath with all my bubbles,
And it helps me to forget all my troubles,
I go to the toilet for some time for me,
There I have a little pee,
In the garden I listen to the birds sing,
And all the happiness and joy it brings!
The second poem was written following discussions around repetition in poetry. The group enjoyed trying to come up with some rhyming words and found amusement in finding a few of the sillier words.
Something that is not nice
Something you would not entice
Something that makes you sad
Something that is really bad
Something we can do is make a link
Something to help others think
Something positive that’s for sure
Something to connect us more.
The group wanted to have a go at a limerick because the use of humour helps us approach and discuss more difficult topics of conversation.
There once was a group from Bucks
Who were outside watching the ducks
There was one on his own
Feeling sad and alone
So he hitched a ride on some trucks!
The Older Adults’ Wellbeing Group found great benefit in reading poetry together, remembering the familiar verses, discussing the styles of poetry and finding comfort in supporting each other to write their own. It has emphasised the importance of social contact to offset loneliness and for older adults to feel they can join a group where they are able to feel relaxed and safe.