Home / News / The Bucks Mind Walk
Article published on: Sunday, 23 May 2021

Join the Mind Walk for Buckinghamshire Mind

On the 3rd July, the Mind Walk will fly the flag for mental health. Across Bucks and East Berkshire, we’ll be walking for mental health, for support and respect.

Walk up to 10km on a route of your choice and make a donation to Bucks Mind, or ask friends and family to sponsor you. Please click here to set-up a JustGiving fundraising page.

Joining the Mind Walk for Bucks Mind means you’ll be supporting our local mental health services in Bucks and East Berks, and helping local people affected by mental health.

The Mind Walk is not a physical fitness challenge. Everybody taking part in the Mind Walk is helping to raise awareness and raise funds, building a community that supports mental health. We’re walking for all of us affected by mental health problems – for friends, workmates, neighbours, for family – for ourselves.

Choose your route, make a donation to the campaign and walk with us on the 3rd July, to fly the flag for mental health and help to make sure no one has to face a mental health problem alone.

If you have any questions, please email [email protected] or call 01494 463364.

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