to be held at
Granville Evangelical Church, Granville Street, Aylesbury, HP20 2JR
Friday 1st December 2017 at 12 noon followed by refreshments
1. Introduction by Chair of Trustees and apologies for absence, Tori Roddy
2. Welcome by the Chair of the Service User Council, Adam Makeham
3. Chief Executive’s Report, Andrea McCubbin
4. To agree the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting, 25th November 2016
5. Matters arising from the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting
6. Trustee retiring by rotation and not standing for re-election
· Dave Pugh
· Jan Ashworth
7. Ratification of trustees appointed by ordinary resolution during the year since the last AGM
· Rosalind Parke
· Philip Bruce
· Abdul Iqbal
8. Presentation of the Trustees Report for the period 1st April 2016 – 31st March 2017 and formal adoption of Financial Statements, Tony Dickenson
9. Proposal to re-appoint Hillier Hopkins LLP as auditors, Tony Dickenson
10. “Piece of Mind: A celebration of our services”, presented by service users, carers, volunteers and staff
11. AGM Raffle Draw
12. Any other business and Chair’s closing comments
New Trustees
Abdul Iqbal
General Profile
I started my career in the financial services working in the Finance function of the UK offices of a large international bank. I currently work for a large telecommunication company based out of its offices in London.
Skills Profile
- Over 19 years of Financial, Customer Services and Internal Audit & Risk experience.
- Of which, 13 years was in Internal Audit across multiple industries, including Financial Services, Hospitality, Travel & Tourism, IT, Outsourcing and Payroll.
Personal Profile
I enjoy reading and playing cricket for the local town team. My family are members of the English Heritage and my wife and two children enjoy days out at various historic buildings and ruins of English castles.
Philip Bruce
General Profile
I have just retired after a varied 35-year career with Lloyds Banking Group, mainly in the Commercial Bank. I have extensive business integration, operating model and systems change experience, which I gained in a number of senior leadership roles.
Skills Profile
- Team leadership
- People development
- Project and Change Management
- Budgeting
- Stakeholder management
- Planning and Organisation
I am also a Non-Executive Director of Swan Credit Union covering Milton Keynes, Aylesbury, Thame and Didcot, which aims to provide affordable financial products to those who may be excluded from mainstream financial services.
Personal Profile
My wife, Alison, is a director of a local business, and we have one daughter, Anna, who has recently started University studying Dietetics.
I enjoy travelling, sport (especially cricket), gardening and travel. I am relishing the freedom and sense of liberation that comes from escaping the daily rat race of commuting and working.
Rosalind Parke

General Profile
I began my career in Research and Development (R&D) in the oil and gas sector due to my love of chemistry. However, I chose to move into the associated commercial field, which subsequently led me into mainstream management consulting. I now operate as an independent business consultant for commercial and business transformation.
Skills Profile
- Act as a sounding board to the board in my professional life
- Commercial/contractual experience
- Recruiting for specialised staff
- Delivering complex programmes
- Enabling business development and networks.
Personal Profile
I’ve maximised the opportunity for walking and peak climbing on my travels, sometimes throwing a mountain bike into the mix – I do my best thinking at the top of a mountain. I have two active teenage sons and I am heavily into cricket and rugby, which I passionately support as I once passionately rowed.
With personal experience of depression and the associated impact, I am keen to broaden the public discussion on mental health, both within the workplace and schools. I see early intervention with regards to school age children as a priority.