Not everyone defines loneliness in the same way as it can have different meanings for each person, but everyone experiences it at some point in their life.
For Mental Health Awareness Week, our Wellbeing Services groups have been exploring loneliness through art.
Our Aylesbury wellbeing group (Wings) had a discussion about what comes to mind when we think of loneliness. In order to encapsulate all the different ideas, one of our service users created this piece of artwork (pictured right). In the background are all the emotions, thoughts and feelings that came up when the group spoke about loneliness, including; anxiety, isolation, fear and desperation.
The service user then painted a layer of white primer over the top of the negative feelings and put a more positive spin on loneliness by adding words that were frequently associated with helping to cope with feeling isolated and alone.
The pictures on the canvas represent how each service user interpreted the word ‘loneliness’ and how their experience with it made them feel. The artwork is also interactive, including a little flap that comes down to reveal ideas on how to combat feelings of isolation and loneliness.
What an incredible piece of art the group has created!
Our wellbeing groups in Chesham also created some wonderful artwork to express what loneliness means to them and the ways that they have found to help reduce loneliness (an example is pictured below).