Home / News / Self Care Tips for Winter Wellbeing
Article published on: Thursday, 01 December 2022

The Winter months can be harsh on your wellbeing. The darker evenings and colder temperatures can affect your mood and your immunity.

But Winter doesn’t have to be a miserable time of year. Here are our top tips for looking after yourself:

  • Go outdoors when you can. Going for a wintery walk, even if it’s just around the block, can be the perfect way to get some fresh air and exercise along with a change of scenery. Being in the same house for too long can get a bit intense, so getting out and about can do us good.
  • Exercise can be great for mental health and there are still ways that we can keep it up over the winter; go for a swim, an exercise class, or have a dance-off to some festive classics.
  • Try and keep a balance to your diet with some fruit and vegetables. This can help us to avoid energy lows that can have an effect on our mood.
  • Try adding cinnamon, ginger or curcumin, which are all linked to improved immunity, to your food and drink.
  • Try to keep to regular sleep patterns as much as possible.
  • Stay hydrated. Many of us find it difficult to drink as much water in the Winter as we do in the Summer months, so why not try drinking hot drinks such as herbal teas?
  • Avoid excessive alcohol consumption. We know alcohol can affect our mood and mental health, so try not to overdo it during the festive season.

For lots more tips on how to improve your mental wellbeing all year round, please click on the button below.

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