Home / Training / Workshops for Employees / Coping Strategies
Format: Face to face or virtual
Duration: 2 hours
Number of delegates: 8 minimum, 25 maximum

Many of us may have experienced increased stress and anxiety over the last couple of years as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. We’ve had a lot to cope with and how we cope plays a big role in our mental wellbeing. So this session is about having some time out for ourselves – to pause and reflect on our personal coping strategies, how these might have been effected by the pandemic and what has helped us to cope.

The course aims to help managers & employees:

  • Understand what we mean by the term coping and our responses to stressors
  • Consider the different types of coping styles
  • Recognise different types of coping strategy
  • Consider your own strategies and which improve your mental wellbeing and self worth
  • Create your own toolkit of coping strategies
  • Have signposting to access support if and when needed
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