Home / News / Jubilee Party
Article published on: Tuesday, 07 June 2022

Our Older Adults Wellbeing Group enjoyed a fabulous Platinum Jubilee party on 31st May.

The party was themed around a traditional British street party with lots of bunting, flags, hats, food and music. Everyone dressed in red, white and blue and had great time.

Don, our wonderful volunteer, put together a great playlists of 1950’s music with a few patriotic songs in the mix, which went down really well. There was lots of dancing, singing and flag waving, with everyone getting into the party spirit.

Party guests enjoyed an ‘afternoon tea’ style lunch with sandwiches, scones and homemade cakes and biscuits. Activities included a raffle, tombola, guess the name of the bear and guess how many sweets are in the jar.

We would like to say a huge thank you to the Co-op for donating raffle prizes and the cost of refreshments and to John Lewis High Wycombe for donating additional raffle prizes.

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Women dancing in Jubilee celebrations

Two elderly people smiling with British flags

Older woman celebrating jubilee
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