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Read A big thank you from the RAW Art Gallery
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Tuesday, 17 May 2016

A big thank you from the RAW Art Gallery

Buckinghamshire Mind Raw Art Gallery exhibition, ‘RAW’ was a phenomenal success, selling over £2000 worth of art work and tickets,

Read A volunteer’s experience
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Friday, 06 May 2016

A volunteer’s experience

Dear all, Never would I have thought how immensely satisfying volunteering in the field of mental health would be! I’ve

Read Fundraising in Chesham
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Friday, 06 May 2016

Fundraising in Chesham

Buckinghamshire would like to say a massive thank you to Anita for all her support in raising money for Bucks

Read WOW taster session a success
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Friday, 22 April 2016

WOW taster session a success

Our WOW ladies had a great taster session on Wednesday. Everyone enjoyed some chair-based exercises and we finished of the

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